Monday, February 18, 2008

Opportunity knocks, are you ready for it?

There is a famous story about a man in a town that is being hit by a severe flood. Knowing the flood was coming the police knocked on this man’s door and told him of the coming danger and offered the man a ride to the safety of the local shelter. The man politely refused the police officer’s assistance with a simple reply “no thank you god will provide for me”.

The flood came and the water levels began to rise and reached the second floor of the man’s house forcing him to stay in the attic of his house. About this time a fireman came to the man in a boat and said “sir we are here to help you get in the boat and we will take you to the safety of the shelter”. The man politely refused once again and gave the simple reply “no thank you god will provide for me”.

The water levels continued to rise and it wasn’t long before this man was forced to stand of the roof of his house to keep himself out of the water. While standing on the roof of the house a coast guard helicopter came along to rescue the man. The friendly voice from inside said “sir we are here to take you to the safety of the shelter you must climb in the helicopter”. The man once again gave his simply reply “no thank you god will provide for me”.

Shortly after this the water level completely engulfed the man’s house and he was drowned by the water. Upon reaching heaven’s gate the man met God and asked why lord did you forsake me? God looked upon this man and said “silly fool, I sent you a car a boat AND a helicopter and you chose not to use any of them. Three great opportunities were presented to you and you did not take advantage of any of them.”

I believe this story makes a wonderful point; opportunity presents itself on a daily basis. When it arrives are you prepared for it or are you always looking for something better? Thomas Edison once said “Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.”

The best way you can take control of you life is to accept the fact that everything in your life is your fault. You are who you are and what you are because of the choices you have made. You can embrace a new opportunity at any time; all it takes is an open mind and a willingness to work at it.

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